Top left to bottom right:
1) Early draft of Ariel
2) Revised draft of Ariel, complete with breasts, a crown, and holding a flower
3) Is it an alien or a butterfly or an alien butterfly?
4) Sophia and Liliana flying to Grandma's house... who needs a plane?
5) Titled "Disney Minnie"
6) Sophia's family, in order of ascending height: cat Sebastian, dog Ramses, sister Lily, herself, her Mommy (me), and her Daddy.
7) Spider web and two spiders (both spiders have exactly 8 legs each)
8) Sophia is a budding composer, as well
9) Lion (probably Simba)
10) Rudolph leads the other reindeer in pulling Santa's sleigh
I collect the drawings of both of my children, from the time they could first use a crayon. My four-year-old daughter, Sophia, is highly prolific. She can plow through a ream of paper faster than a copy machine at Kinko's! Sophia is now well into in her second 5-inch binder. I only save the best of the best, and it's still a daunting task.
I am continually inspired by her innocence. This quality alone allows her to be free to explore her artistic talent without self editing, for which adults are often guilty.
I love Sophia's perseverance and her ability to watch a show only once and commit the characters to memory. She practices the same thing over and over till she is pleased with the accuracy of her rendering. I enjoy the progression and development of her skills.
Who do you think you're talking to?
these are adorable. i love her ariels.
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